Wednesday, March 28, 2012

3 Mistakes After Breaking Up With Your Ex

Are you hurting from a breakup?
Do you still hear from everyone that you need to move on and let go?

Breakup's are a hard experience to go through. It leaves you feeling pain, stress, and sometimes lost or confused.You feel needy but all breakups are not forever. If you want to get back in the swing of things you need to know that around 90% of breakups can be reversible.

In this post, we are going to look at the common mistakes people make after being broken up. This mistakes are natural however it does hurt you chances of getting back together with your EX. This is really important so make sure you read every point.

1. Becoming Mr. Needy

After a breakup, the first mistake that people make is pleading or begging to get back together. Logically, it does make sense to do however, IT'S NOT. It's the worst and last thing to do at this moment. Women and Men need space and that is understandable. Let's face it, no one wants a needy person in the relationship. It's unattractive and this cause an effect of someone to push away from you. This gives them a better reason to thing that they made the right decision.

2. Freaking Out When The EX Starts Visiting Someone

After a breakup, you are feeling mixed emotions such as sadness, anger and tension. It's normal but if your ex starts seeing someone else immediately it starts to hurt real bad. You feel more anger and confused. If your caught in this ''rebound'' relationship the first thing to do is not lose your cool. You may have had a relationship and it seems that they are becoming too intimate quickly this may make it worse for you. For example, it took your partner a couple of months to get physical with you and they are already sleeping with this new person who they are going with for after a few days.

The one thing to remember is that 'rebound' relationships don't last the test of time. Change is not easy after a breakup and people are trying to get back in the groove. Remember, rebound relationships are like sugar because it's not always healthy and it doesn't last long. Always stay calm, focus on recovery and be YOU.

3. Giving Them Too Much Love and Affection

You have heard this line before: ''You know I love you, and I always want to be with you so please, please I love you''
Logically, the first thing is to tell them how much you love and adore them quickly as you can after the breakup but it's not a good plan. Trust me.

Your ex knows for a fact how much you care and love them that's why you were in a relationship. The last thing you ex needs to hear is the words 'I LOVE YOU in a sentence. This may help them to think less of you and drive a wedge between the both of you.

It's OK, but what if you have done these mistakes? It's normal and many people have been in your same shoes. These mistakes are decreasing your chances to get back together with your EX but you can fix them.